Professional healthcare
Our children’s health is one of our top priorities. We work with licensed healthcare professionals who provide medical care and support to help maintain the children’s good physical and mental health, prevent and treat illnesses, and promote overall well-being.
Gateway to possibilities
Education provides opportunities for the children to learn new skills, gain knowledge, and develop critical thinking abilities, which can help them achieve their goals, pursue their passions, and have a positive impact on their lives and communities.
We are available 24/7 for our little ones emotional support, providing comfort, care, and encouragement to those who are going through a difficult time or situation.
- Please donate and help a sick child
Dear reader,
We are reaching out to you to ask for your support in a matter of utmost urgency and compassion. There is a brave and innocent child who urgently needs our help. He is an orphan who is currently battling a severe illness that requires immediate surgical intervention.
We are seeking donations to raise the necessary funds for his life-saving surgery. The total cost of the procedure, which includes medical expenses, medications, and post-operative care, amounts to 6 Million Naira / 8,3581 euros. Time is of the essence, and every day without the surgery diminishes the chances of a full recovery for this young, resilient soul.
Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant impact on his life. By extending your support, you can offer him a fighting chance at a brighter future, where he can experience the joys of childhood that we often take for granted.
To make a donation, please donate with PayPal via the button or via bank transfer:
Jummy orphanage charity foundation
Account number: 0194229392
Bank name: Union bank
Sort code: 032185744*
Swift code: UBNINGLA
This is us

Our management

Jummy Kers
Founder, CEO
The Netherlands

Oluwafemi Olayinka
Co-Founder, Ondo Chapter’s Secretary, Association of Orphanages & Home Operators in Nigeria

Mimi Todd
Director International Affairs

Alexander Dopmeijer
The Netherlands

Yeye Dara
The thought of children living on the streets worldwide makes it difficult for me to sleep peacefully at night. While the saying goes that it takes a village to raise a child, I strongly believe that it takes the collective effort of every adult to safeguard and protect every child. No child should ever be left exposed to the various dangers that lurk in and around the streets.
= Jummy =
Contact us
Better yet, meet us in person!
Support our mission in reminding our children that they are loved.
Contact information
Jummy’s Orphanage Charity Foundation
20 Famakinwa Street
Yaba 351110, Ondo, Nigeria
09:00 am – 05:00 pm
09:00 am – 05:00 pm
09:00 am – 05:00 pm
09:00 am – 05:00 pm
09:00 am – 05:00 pm
By Appointment
By Appointment
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